Unidad central digital de control para operar con hasta 54 canales de audio y 1.400 unidades de micrófono en modo "NetRateBus". Formato rack 19"/2U.
Discussion control unit to control a maximum of 1,400 microphone stations per system
- Fully digital audio and control
- One control unit for all delegate, chairman and interpreter stations
- Multi-Session-Management: Several meetings can be controlled
with one MCS-D 200 control unit and the iCNS software simultaneously
- No additional or special control unit for interpreting applications necessary, as the MCS-D 200 can manage languages as well
- Port to connect a PC for operation with the iCNS software
- Integrated power supply for a maximum of 15 microphone stations, optional for a maximum of 30 microphone stations. More microphone stations can be operated when using additional power supply units.
- Volume control for headphones
- Configurations via display (4 lines; 20 characters, 3 soft keys) and 4 buttons to navigate through the menu
- Definition and assignment of languages, booths and channels
- Monitoring and control of the interpreter stations
- Interface management (DA/AD)